
Team Building: Not a One-and-Done

December 5, 2024

In any organization, no one individual stands alone. Even the top executives rely on other people — their teams — to solve problems, execute strategy, and create opportunity. This is why team building is vital. And while many organizations understand the importance of team building, they often don’t dedicate the resources to do it effectively. They concentrate on top leadership instead of taking a team approach. Or, they think an annual event, such as a team retreat, will do the trick. When, in fact, the key to a healthy organization is giving the full team ongoing, regular attention.

Health and Wellness for Organizations

The systems theory of management tells us that any organization is a single unified system of interrelated parts or subsystems. Each part of the overall system is dependent on the others and cannot function optimally without them.  So, just like people, you must ensure each part is healthy for the overall organization to be healthy. What’s more, getting and staying healthy is not just about going to the doctor once a year for a check-up. It’s about eating right, staying active, and taking proactive health measures all year long. Proactive strategies for staying healthy are critical for teams and organizations, as well.

When is it time for a team-building check-in?

Regular team-building efforts can help organizations identify and address potential challenges before they become problematic. It can also be a powerful tool in onboarding new team members into a shared culture, language, and behavioral norms. Ultimately, it’s important to remember that team building does not happen once or only from a place of crisis or deficit. Rather, it ideally is something built into your system and culture that reflects your human capital as your most valued resource.

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