
The Enneagram: In a Sea of Personality Assessments, What Makes the Enneagram Stand Out?

April 16, 2024

Personality assessments are valuable in organizational development as they help build self-awareness so individuals and teams can better leverage strengths. There are scores of personality assessments available, but Clarus has found the Enneagram, which provides a more nuanced and multilayered understanding of personality, is superior as a tool for growth and development.

“A Personal Roadmap”

“The Enneagram is like a personal roadmap,” said Lynn Elgin, Clarus President & CEO.  “It shows you the ‘why’ behind your actions and fears and helps guide you toward personal transformation and growth. It isn’t just about understanding people. It’s about understanding their unique differences and their potential. For organizations, it’s a lens that fosters stronger connections, and can help organizations leverage the collective power of their teams.”

The Enneagram describes nine unique personality types and recognizes individuals can take on traits of other types during times of stress or personal growth. Unlike most personality assessments that describe “how” we act or behave, the Enneagram describes the “why” we do what we do. It uncovers our core motivations and fears and offers a roadmap for self-improvement and pathways for breaking away from negative patterns of behavior.

Supporting Individual & Collective Growth

Clarus often uses Enneagram in Executive Coaching and Leadership and Team Development because, unlike many other assessments, it:

  • Offers personalized leadership development and growth strategies based on type
  • Provides a common language to describe individual differences in work style
  • Promotes empathy by cultivating understanding of team members’ types, which strengthens communication, teamwork, and collaboration
  • Offers strategies for tailoring communication based on the Enneagram type which enhances teamwork and collaboration
  • Reveals how different types respond to stress and conflict and provides strategies for managing stress and conflict based on type, strengthening workplace productivity, and harmony.

Clarus incorporates the Enneagram into our leadership and team development initiatives. To learn more about Clarus, our services, and how we can help your organization, please contact us now.

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